Monday, March 3, 2014

In Job, Appointee Profits and Christie Gains Power

When Gov. Chris Christie pushed to expand financial incentives to keep businesses in New Jersey, one of the first companies to benefit was a client of David Samson, a lawyer with a long and close relationship to the governor.
When Mr. Christie announced government-backed financing for college and school construction projects, Mr. Samson’s firm got a piece of that business.
And after Mr. Christie named Mr. Samson chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, they both benefited when Mr. Samson and the board he led approved billions of dollars in bridge construction contracts. Labor unions grateful for the hard-hat jobs threw their endorsements to Mr. Christie, and clients of Mr. Samson’s firm wound up with the work.
The lane-closing scandal that has enveloped Mr. Christie’s administration and the Port Authority for months has focused intense scrutiny on Mr. Samson and the 120-lawyer firm that he helped found in 1972. A number of potential conflicts have been reported by other news media, and the agency’s executive director, Patrick J. Foye, last week said that Mr. Samson lacked the moral authority to remain chairman.
Under David Samson, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey awarded a $1.3 billion contract to a client of his law firm for work on the Bayonne Bridge. Credit Michael Kirby Smith for The New York Times
A comprehensive examination of Mr. Samson’s dealings with Governor Christie and his administration, both inside the Port Authority and out, shows the extent to which their ambitions and successes became intertwined. Mr. Samson and his law firm benefited financially. Mr. Christie benefited politically. And each enhanced the other’s stature as their relationship deepened in ways that were not apparent at the time.
Mr. Samson has had a long career at the nexus of law and politics in New Jersey. But since Mr. Christie took office in 2010, his firm, Wolff & Samson, has risen to become one of the biggest bond counsel firms in the state, advising scores of private clients and state agencies, and jumped up in rankings of the state’s biggest lobbying firms.
The efforts of the two men became increasingly bold as Mr. Christie’s national profile increased and Mr. Samson became a central figure in the region’s construction field.
Perhaps the clearest example of this symbiosis, previously unreported, came last April, when Mr. Samson presided as the Port Authority awarded two bridge construction contracts worth a total of $2.8 billion.
Mr. Samson paused after the vote of the 12-member board to call the occasion “joyous and happy.” It certainly was for two clients of his law firm.
One longtime client was I.M.T.T., which owns a liquid storage facility on the Bayonne waterfront. The company is half-owned by the Macquarie Infrastructure Company, one of the contractors Mr. Samson and his fellow commissioners awarded $1.5 billion to replace and maintain the Goethals Bridge.
A second contract, for $1.3 billion, was to raise the Bayonne Bridge to allow clearance for the largest container ships — though Port Authority experts had seen the project as a lower priority. Mr. Samson “came in like gangbusters” and insisted on proceeding immediately, one former project official said.
The Port Authority awarded that contract to a team including Skanska Koch, a division of a multinational construction company based in Sweden and another client of Mr. Samson’s firm. Wolff & Samson lawyers were then in the throes of settling a costly dispute for the company in federal court on Long Island.
Mr. Samson did not recuse himself from either vote, according to minutes of the meeting. Mr. Samson’s spokeswoman, responding to multiple requests delivered by phone and email, declined to comment on the votes or other apparent conflicts that have been raised in recent weeks.
Asked about the potential conflicts in Mr. Samson’s votes, his spokeswoman provided a one-sentence statement from Mr. Samson’s lawyer, Michael Chertoff, who is a former secretary of homeland security.
“Since assuming the chairmanship of the P.A.N.Y.N.J., David Samson’s commitment has been to benefit the region and not about personal gain,” Mr. Chertoff said in the statement.
None of this occurred in a vacuum, of course. Both Skanska and Macquarie are worldwide leaders in their field, and no one has suggested that the bid process was tainted. Mr. Samson’s law firm has a deep bench of skilled lawyers who handle a broad range of complicated matters. And both he and Mr. Christie operate in a state with a long history of cozy, back-scratching relationships among politicians, lawyers and businesses tied to real estate and construction.
But the April 2013 vote was just one of many instances in which Mr. Samson’s work at the Port Authority lined up with the interests of his law firm — and, in many cases, with Mr. Christie’s political priorities.
Jameson W. Doig, a scholar who has long studied the Port Authority, said that while the Port Authority had not been immune to allegations of political influence, he had not seen anything in his research going back to the 1920s that compared to how Mr. Samson and Mr. Christie have used the bistate agency’s vast resources to advance the governor’s interests, at times benefiting Mr. Samson’s clients in the process.
“Chris Christie has been very active in using the Port Authority for his own purposes, more so than any other governor,” said Mr. Doig, a research professor at Dartmouth College. “And that increased when David Samson arrived.”
‘The General’ and Christie
Mr. Christie, 51, and Mr. Samson, 74, were lobbyists and lawyers in the 1990s, Mr. Christie at Dughi Hewit and Mr. Samson at his own firm. They served as the state’s top law enforcement officers for a brief period of time: Mr. Christie as the United States attorney from 2002 to 2008, and Mr. Samson as the attorney general for 13 months starting in 2002.
Mr. Christie still refers to Mr. Samson as “the general.” The governor has said that at one point during that brief overlap he and Mr. Samson were informed that members of the Latin Kings gang had threatened to kill them both.
“That brings you together,” Mr. Christie joked.
In 2007, Mr. Christie gave Mr. Samson a $10 million contract to be the compliance monitor for a medical implant company, a position that was part of a settlement under which Mr. Christie agreed not to criminally prosecute the company on federal kickback charges.
Two years later, when Mr. Christie ran for governor, Mr. Samson was the lawyer for his campaign. After he won the election, Mr. Christie chose Mr. Samson to lead his transition team, along with Jeffrey S. Chiesa, then a new Wolff & Samson lawyer who had befriended Mr. Christie at Dughi Hewit and followed him to the federal prosecutor’s office.
Soon after he took office in 2010, Mr. Christie, a Republican, pushed for a vast increase in the tax breaks and other subsidies that could be awarded to businesses if they remained in New Jersey. He held a news conference that summer at the headquarters of Honeywell International, in Morristown, warning that the manufacturer planned to move to Pennsylvania, and arguing that New Jersey needed a major increase in its business-retention program.
The new developer of an unfinished mall and amusement park formerly known as Xanadu is also a client of Wolff & Samson. Credit Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
What was not widely known at the time was that Honeywell had hired Mr. Samson’s law firm to lobby for retention subsidies.
Lawmakers passed the legislation, a more than sixfold increase to the maximum per-job award. Honeywell later dropped that program after Mr. Christie pushed for an increase to a second program. Wolff & Samson lobbied for that legislation, and helped persuade the state Economic Development Authority to award Honeywell $40 million in tax breaks, the most allowed, under the second program.
Mr. Samson’s firm received $540,000 in lobbying fees from Honeywell from 2010 through 2012.
Mr. Christie, in turn, trumpeted a major victory in an otherwise painfully slow economic recovery, saying his legislation had been “instrumental in Honeywell’s decision to stay and expand their operations in New Jersey.”
Last year, Honeywell announced it was moving one town over to Morris Plains and putting its 147-acre Morristown campus up for redevelopment — prompting critics to ask whether that had been the company’s intent all along.
“You just have to wonder if the threat was real or if it was idle,” said Jon Whiten, deputy director of New Jersey Policy Perspective, a liberal-leaning nonprofit group.
Booming Bond Business
Along Route 3 in the Meadowlands sits a developer’s garish folly, a long-unfinished mall and amusement park once known as Xanadu. In 2011, Mr. Christie pressed for another change in state law, this time to make incentives available to Triple Five, the new developer of the project, now renamed the American Dream.
Its lawyer: Wolff & Samson. In November, the state Economic Development Authority awarded Triple Five tax credits worth $390 million.
Mr. Christie pointed to Triple Five when he accepted the backing of the Laborers’ International Union in December 2012, one of the first major endorsements of his re-election campaign. “Here I’m looking at the men and women who are going to take that thing and turn it from ugly and into a job machine for the men and women of New Jersey,” he said.
“The Christie train has left the station and we are driving it,” said Ray Pocino, regional manager of the laborers union. He singled out the Bayonne Bridge, the Revel casino in Atlantic City and American Dream as projects Mr. Christie championed that were putting his members to work.
During Mr. Christie’s first three years in office, New Jersey awarded $2.11 billion in business incentives, almost double the $1.25 billion awarded during the prior decade, according to a report by New Jersey Policy Perspective.
“The state has been a one-note band for the last couple of years,” Mr. Whiten said.
Yet as of December, New Jersey had recovered only 44 percent of jobs lost in the recession, compared with a national average of 87 percent, Mr. Whiten said. New York was at 156 percent.
In addition to its lobbying work, Wolff & Samson serves as counsel on municipal bond issues, including being on the list of firms that can be hired to perform legal work when the Economic Development Authority issues bonds to support projects.
So when the development authority approved $102 million in tax credits to help Panasonic, which had threatened to leave the state, move instead from Secaucus to Newark, Mr. Samson’s firm was listed as bond counsel for a related $10 million bond proposal.
It was bond counsel when the authority issued $237 million in bonds to support a major expansion at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, and on at least three bonds totaling about $43 million to support the construction of privately run charter schools, something the governor had pushed to expand.
Since Mr. Christie took office, Mr. Samson’s firm has served as counsel for $10.3 billion in municipal bonds, WNYC radio reported. Its share of the municipal bond counsel business has jumped to 22 percent under Mr. Christie, from 2 percent during the administration of Gov. Jon S. Corzine, according to an analysis by Thomson Reuters.
Marc Pfeiffer, who worked in municipal financing for New Jersey for decades, said it would not be surprising that a firm known to be close to any governor would pick up business.
“The bond counsel selection process is not immune to the political process,” said Mr. Pfeiffer, now a research fellow at Rutgers University’s Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.
Mr. Christie, shovel in hand, got to take credit for putting New Jersey back to work.
“This is another success story about one of our largest businesses choosing to stay in New Jersey, continue to grow and invest in our state and people,” Mr. Christie said at Panasonic’s groundbreaking in 2011.
After Chris Christie became governor, the Port Authority took over the failing Atlantic City airport from a Wolff & Samson client. Credit Mel Evans/Associated Press
‘An Activist Chairman’
When Mr. Samson arrived in 2011 as chairman of the Port Authority, an unpaid position, he made clear that, unlike most prior chairmen, he intended to insert himself into the day-to-day operations of the $8.2 billion-a-year agency.

He commuted to its offices near Union Square two or three times a week, meeting with Mr. Christie’s other two top appointees at the authority, Bill Baroni and David Wildstein, according to people who worked closely with them.
“He really decided to be an activist chairman from the beginning,” said one former authority official who spoke anonymously so as not to damage business relationships.
Under Mr. Samson, the Port Authority approved transportation projects that critics said New Jersey would have otherwise had to pay for itself, most notably upgrades to the Pulaski Skyway. That allowed Mr. Christie to avoid raising the state’s low gas tax, keeping a campaign promise. Meanwhile, commuters at Port Authority bridges and tunnels saw their tolls rise sharply. Mr. Christie spoke against the increases but did not stop them.
In another project, Mr. Samson and Mr. Baroni, the agency’s deputy executive director, arranged for the Port Authority to take over the failing Atlantic City International Airport.
Some Port Authority executives saw the move as an expensive effort to boost Mr. Christie’s re-election efforts in South Jersey. But New York’s turnover of an airport in Orange County to the Port Authority had given New Jersey’s governor a coupon to do the same someday.
“It was always thought that Atlantic City would be the one they’d try to dump on the Port Authority, because Atlantic City loses money, it’s always lost money, it’s a dying town,” said a person who worked on the takeover who spoke anonymously to avoid hurting professional relationships.
The airport was being served by just one carrier, Spirit Airlines, with 27 domestic flights a day from Atlantic City. A Port Authority study found that to break even the airport would need about 22 more flights a day.
In March 2013, Mr. Baroni assured the Port Authority’s board that the takeover would “create a more integrated airport system” and perhaps even “create additional capacity in the region.”
Mr. Samson thanked him. “That’s really exciting and is consistent with all our thoughts on where we’re going with this exciting operation agreement,” he said.
What he did not say was that his firm served as bond counsel for the South Jersey Transportation Authority, which was suffering under the burden of running the Atlantic City airport.
A transcript quotes Mr. Samson calling for the vote but does not list who voted in favor. Another document, the minutes, says Mr. Samson recused himself. But two people who were involved in internal discussions on the effort said Mr. Samson played an integral role in promoting the initiative.
The Record, a New Jersey newspaper, reported last year that Mr. Samson took the lead in explaining to reporters the reasoning for the takeover.
Port Authority policies allow for discretion by commissioners over when to recuse themselves from votes or discussions over issues, and if they do recuse themselves, they are not required to publicly divulge why.
It is clear Mr. Samson made his support for the plan known to his fellow commissioners and was involved in planning. Mr. Doig, the Dartmouth professor, said the recusal afforded Mr. Samson an ethical fig leaf. “And the fig leaf is not adequate,” he said.
During talks about the airport takeover, Mr. Samson and Mr. Baroni also were seeking to finance the extension of the PATH train from Lower Manhattan to Newark Liberty Airport. United Airlines, the primary carrier at Newark, had long pushed for the extension.
In August, Mr. Christie and Mr. Samson met with United’s chief executive, Jeff Smisek. In November, they announced that United would begin making two daily flights to Atlantic City.
And the Port Authority recently announced a $1.5 billion plan to extend the PATH to Newark Liberty, which would save Manhattan travelers from having to switch trains.
The Atlantic City airport takeover did not just help a Wolff & Samson client. It also helped Mr. Christie bolster his relationship with Stephen M. Sweeney, the president of the State Senate, who has been crucial to his support in southern New Jersey and his ability to move initiatives through the Legislature.
While the investigations into the George Washington Bridge lane closings brought the relationship between Mr. Samson and Mr. Christie into focus, Mr. Samson’s role in that event is less clear. But there are indications that he was not in the dark.
In September, after Mr. Foye, the Port Authority’s executive director, reopened the lanes to the bridge that Mr. Christie’s appointees had ordered closed, Mr. Wildstein angrily sent an email saying “Samson helping us to retaliate,” records show.
Mr. Samson has denied involvement, and Mr. Christie has stood by “the general.”

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